速報APP / 攝影 / Smart Photo Album - Unlimited Tags, Filt

Smart Photo Album - Unlimited Tags, Filt



檔案大小:5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 5.1.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 荷蘭文

Smart Photo Album - Unlimited Tags, Filters and Albums(圖1)-速報App

Do you have troubles for managing thousands of photos and videos? Are you looking for a photo portfolio app? Smart Photo Album is exactly you are looking for...


* Automatically organize photos based on existing IPTC and EXIF meta data

* Tag your photos and videos, they are automatically organized

* One photo or video can appear in multiple albums

* Assign star ratings to your photos and videos

* !! Find photos and videos by tag, select a tag from a list and all photos that match are displayed instantly

Smart Album used filters to filter your photos on meta data, the following filters are supported:

* Tag filter; photos that are tagged with the specified IPTC tags

* TIFF Camera model; photos that are made with specified Camera Model

* EXIF Lens model; photos that are made with specified Lens

* IPTC Star Rating; match specified Star Rating

* EXIF Date; match after, before on in between dates

Smart Photo Album - Unlimited Tags, Filters and Albums(圖2)-速報App

Enhanced Filtering

* The Tag filter supports AND and OR logic, for example, if there are photos tagged by Event A and Event B, you can create albums that contain:

- Photos from both event A AND Event B

- Photos from either Event A OR Event B

- Exclude Photos from either Event A AND/OR Event B

* You can combine filters; it is possible to filter all photos that match TIFF Camera Model and match IPTC Star Rating

Album Management

* Create, Move, Delete Smart Albums

* Assign Album cover photo

* Change Album sort order


* Photo gallery

* Slideshow; will display Exif date, IPTC tags, and IPTC Star Rating

Smart Photo Album - Unlimited Tags, Filters and Albums(圖3)-速報App


* Share photos on Facebook, Twitter

* Send photos by email

* Airdrop

* Print

* Copy


* Smart Photo Album makes use of these open source projects:

* MWPhotoBrowser - Used for the Slideshow.

* MBProgressHUD by Jonathan George — Used for Activity indicator.

* WEPopover by Werner IT - Used for the popover view

* URBSegmentedControl by Nicholas Shipes - for the AND/OR control

* LLRoundControl by Dan Giralte - for the include/exclude control

Smart Photo Album - Unlimited Tags, Filters and Albums(圖4)-速報App

* Appirater by Arash Payan - for the Rate me popup

Smart Photo Album - Unlimited Tags, Filters and Albums(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad